
Getting Started

Create Your First Project

transparent-gradient requires Node.js. Please install it in your project using npm.

$ npm i transparent-gradient

Usage in JS

Starting from version 1.3.1, transparent-gradient has been renamed to tGradient.
Please use tGradient as the new function name, as the previous one was too long.

import { TGradient } from "transparent-gradient"
new TGradient (target, direction)

Please import the function using the import statement.
TGradient takes two parameters: target, which is the HTML element to apply the gradient to, and direction, which specifies the gradient direction.


Adjusting the Direction

How To Use NameDirectionDescription
new TGradient(target)defaultnew TGradient(target) creates a gradient from left to right by default.
new TGradient(target, 'right')rightnew TGradient(target, 'right') creates a gradient from right to left.
new TGradient(target, 'left')leftnew TGradient(target, 'left') creates a gradient from left to right.
new TGradient(target, 'top')topnew TGradient(target, 'top') creates a gradient from top to bottom.
new TGradient(target, 'bottom')bottomnew TGradient(target, 'bottom') creates a gradient from bottom to top.

Reasons to Use transparent-gradient

Here are the issues we faced 😅

While working on an app project for L Department Store, the designer provided a design concept that involved gradually applying transparency to a blur effect using gradients.
We searched everywhere, including Google and Stack Overflow, but all the examples we found demonstrated white gradients on white backgrounds or fake transparent gradients created by averaging the background image's color values.
However, the design provided by our designer had an image as the background and required applying transparency to the text.
Although I was able to find a solution for this, it proved to be quite challenging for other app developers, web publishers, and front-end developers.
To assist them, I decided to publish transparent-gradient on npm.


Usage Examples codesandbox

Overlapping Images

Contact the Owner

Email and Owner's Address

transparent-gradient is an npm package developed by Mr. Chu.
It requires the help of many individuals.

GitHub Repository:

